Water Turn-out Date

Post date: Sep 22, 2011 4:17:22 AM

We are tentatively planning on shutting down the canal October 21st. As always, this date is flexible and dependent upon both the weather and the status of harvest. If necessary our water right allows us to deliver water until October 31st. There is a possibility that we will be running some water for late-season recharge after we finish delivery, and that might occur after the official end of the irrigation season on October 31st. If there is water in the canal after that date, water users will not have access to it.

As you might suspect, this has been a record-breaking water year in terms of our water supply. For the first time in the 101 year history of the Company our natural flow water supply has lasted the entire season so far, and will continue to be available until the end of the irrigation season. The three reservoirs containing our storage water are at all time record high levels for this time of year, and our carryover is essentially 100% of our maximum available storage (minus approximately 15,000 acre feet supplied to the Water District 1 Rental Pool, flow augmentation for the Bureau of Reclamation, and mitigation water to ground-water users). The reservoirs are actually so full the Bureau of Reclamation is planning on higher than normal releases from Palisades and Jackson reservoirs well in to December.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to give us a call.