Almost filled
Post date: Apr 08, 2015 5:27:54 PM
Early this morning the water reached the end of the Highline and all but two laterals are filling - S and U1. Both of these have a lot of tumbleweeds that we need to remove but I expect we'll be filling both of those by this afternoon.
As I'm sure most of you know, the gopher and vole populations seem to have exploded. Fortunately, we haven't been seeing a greater than normal number of leaks due to gopher holes this season. As of this morning we've had less than a dozen, and all but four we're fixed with a shovel, those four required a machine. The key to keeping a small gopher hole leak from turning into a 10' wide breach in the bank is to get to them early. We appreciate you all keeping your eye out for wet spots on the banks, wet spots in your fields, etc.
I expect we'll be delivering to all but a few head gates by tomorrow, although some head gates on the longer laterals probably won't get delivery until Friday. We're still pushing hard, so it's a little difficult for us to estimate how long it will take to fill and check up the laterals as we have no experience bringing the water in this fast. So long as your ditch rider knows you need water he will let you know as soon as it's available at your head gate.